Saturday, December 1, 2007

Well, here is a little update on our fam and what we have been up to.
Thomas now nearly 4 (in April) is as busy as ever. He is very excited about life in general and is especially interested in Diego the animal rescuer, which has become quite an obsession. He also loves being outside, rain or shine , that is where he wants to be. He loves reading with his Mom. He really loves having a little brother who follows him around like a puppy dog. As for Jacob he is very interested in being like his big brother. He has figured out the walking thing just enough to be a real hazard. He is also a great climber, which adds another kink into the picture. He is usually quite mellow, and loves to cuddle (which Juli of course thinks is great), and is quite interested in animals. He really likes dancing to music and enjoys being the center of attention.
Juli and I enjoy the boys very much and are so greatful for the joy and excitement they bring into our life. Juli is really happy to be able to stay at home with the boys, and is doing a great job to keep them busy and entertained (which believe me is a FULL time job).
I am in full swing on clinical rotations in Logan. I have really liked being out of the classroom and getting some hands on education in clinical rotations.

1 comment:

Aubrey said...

So glad you guys are doing well and enjoying life. It's so great to be out here in Utah and enjoying the mountains and the snow!!! Your family is growing!